We Are:
Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rights (TAPWR)
Purple Sisters' Association
We were registered with the Taipei Municipal Department of Social Services on February 5, 1994.
To elevate women's prestige, to solicit more women's rights and benefits, and to promote equal rights for men and women.
Taiwan's continued economic growth for the past 30 some years has seen significant changes in society, including the traditional role of women in society. New challenges erupted as a result: Higher educational levels, more economic independence... Women are no longer "left without a choice." As society advanced, and with more individual flexibility, it is only natural for all of us to expect equal rights for both men and women. However, problems involving sexual violence, marriage violence, and occupational inequalities continue to exist. The economic deprivation and loneliness women suffer, as well as the drop in the number of female infants still depict a scenery of unfairness, and leaves much to be desired or achieved.
We strongly feel the only way to improve those conditions is to form women's organizations throughout the land, to inform every women that should she get into a difficult situation, there are understanding people, a sisterly group that she can go to for support. Let all the women synergize into a powerful unity, to eliminate the traditional inequalities women suffered for good.
With that in mind, this Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rights (TAPWR) was formed on February 5, 1994, emphasizing the utilization of organizational power with domestic characteristics.
First of all, we will re-establish the Taiwanese women experience forgotten. We need to build a foundation of historical record about Taiwanese women, and how hard they worked on this land for survival and progress. We feel the seed for equal rights movement must be planted on native soil to receive needed nurturing and recognition.
Furthermore, we will focus on promoting rights to benefits and rights to equality, to provide the same range of selections to both genders. We are not fighting only for women's equal rights , but also for benefits of the aged, sick and disabled, which the government should provide. We would like to free women from the role of a non-compensatory housekeeper, with little or no economic stability.
We will try our best to expedite amendments to family and work laws, to allow women more independence and equal right in this society.
Taiwan's recent political and social changes in pursuit of democracy and peace are rapidly forming, different social groups are learning to use the power of unity for change implementation and social status. We have chosen to form this Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rigths (TAPWR) to bring about equal rights for women. It is our hope that through this organization of united women will emerge power and change. We are also very willing to work together with other social organizations such as environmental protection, labor, disabled, aborigines..., for a new and better Taiwan, for both genders, for everyone.
Contact Address:
14F-4, Number 4, Section 3, Shin Sheng South Road, Taipei, Taiwan.
886-2-23652710 Fax:886-2-23630224
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